
Cold Storage Warehousing is On Fire

Cold Storage Warehousing

Even before COVID, the farm-to-table movement was pushing demand for increased refrigerated warehousing. Now more than ever, the development of new, or expanded, cold storage warehousing is bringing significant technology and structure improvements to the forefront:

  • Architects are moving forward with taller, rather than wider, warehouse layouts. This shift in design brings greater refrigeration efficiency, and accommodates newer high-capacity freezer heights.
  • Product diversification demands are expanding the need for dedicated temporary storage areas with humidity flexibility – providing a broad range of storage options. 
  • Logistically, micro-fulfillment centers are gaining popularity as same-day deliveries are now a standard expectation. For cold storage, this often means an investment in automated workforce technology.

Now with booming online grocery shopping, the need for efficient, state-of-the-art cold storage development is driving warehouse refrigeration technology and logistics optimization to new heights (and we’re not just talking about the ceilings). 

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